Who is Carly Fiorina?

Have you ever heard of Carly Fiorina? She was the first woman to lead a Fortune 20 Company when she became CEO of Hewlett-Packard in 1999.

Below are some quotes Carly Fiorina stated in a Stanford University business podcast on iTunes U as part of their “Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs Series”:

“Leadership – see possibilities & seize possibilities”

“Focus on the possibilities, not the problems”

“Everybody is afraid of something”

“The essence of entrepreneurs (and business) is risktaking.”

“Vision has to overcome the status quo as well as the natural fear people have”

“Leadership is about changing the order of things. It’s about making a positive difference.”

“Leadership is a choice. A choice to make a positive difference.”

“You are in a century where anything is possible. You must make the choice to be a leader.”

“There is a difference between management and leadership. Management is the production of acceptable results within known constraints and conditions. Leadership is all about changing the order of things.”

“Change is difficult and sometimes dangerous because people resist and are afraid.”

“Leadership drives change.”