85 Days


One of the adventures I embraced for 2012 was training for a Sprint Distance Triathlon. Today marks 85 days until that ultimate challenge of May 20th.

It seems above all things the greatest challenge is in my mind. In these next 85 days of training if I come to believe in my mind I cannot do this, I will most certainly fail. It is no easy thing to swim 1/4 of a mile then bike for 16 miles and then run for 3.1 miles.

I have to build this in my mind. It will help when I hit any walls in my training.

These past 8 days I have been in Trinidad on vacation so I could not train much. Two big things I did learn though:
1) The running shoes I have work on the treadmill but actually hurt me on the concrete. I walked/ran for about an hour around The Savannah Park. My right foot was hurting for 5 days after. I will be acquiring new running shoes in the next few days.
2) Swimming in an indoor pool is so much easier than swimming in ocean water. No waves and the water is not as heavy. For the contest I will be swimming in a lake so I need to keep this in mind when I am training.

Physically I have never had such a challenge before me as this Sprint Distance Triathlon presents. I need this. It will push me to bring out greatness in me I never knew.