The Biblical Remix – Superwoman

The Biblical Remix – Superwoman

Ruth 2:1-18 –

After becoming a widow, Ruth left her hood and moved with Naomi, her mother-in-law, to a place (Bethlehem) and a people (Israelites) she did not know.  Because she was a hard worker she went to the fields to pick up leftover grain to provide for the home.

While working in the hot sun, she got the hook-up with the landowner Boaz because he heard about how she was taking care of her mother-in-law.

She worked until the evening and was able to bring home  about 5 gallons of beaten barley, which is a huge amount for one day’s gleaning.

As she shared with Naomi about the day’s events this Alicia Keys song played in the background:

“Even when I’m a mess, I still put on a vest, with an “S” on my chest, Oh yes, I’m a Superwoman…”


Although she was a foreigner and a widow, Ruth trusted in the God of Israel and honored her mother-in-law by taking care of her. She didn’t think it was beneath her to work as a gleaner (socially equivalent to a modern day beggar).

Against the odds, would you be willing to trust God to provide in your situation?