The Biblical Remix – U Fancy

The Biblical Remix – U Fancy

2 Kings 9:30 –

Having just killed King Joram, Jehu rolls up on Jezebel at her crib to execute her. Since Jezebel knew of the murder of the king, she went into her room and got all did up with make-up and a fly hairdo. Then she went to the window to wait for Jehu’s arrival.

In the background this song from was Drake playing:

“Oh you fancy huh, You you fancy huh, Oh you fancy huh, Nail done, Hair done, Everything did”

Morning Article: India’s Unwanted Girls

This excellent article is not for the faint hearted.  It deals with sex-selective abortion in India. This behavior which borders on genocide has had a profound impact on the culture as well as the female to male ratio over the past fifty years.

I highly encourage you to read “Unwanted Babies” –